Student Life

Students and adult wearing yellow bandanas with arms raised in air pose for the camera.

The educational experience at Westmark School extends beyond the classroom. In varied, enriching endeavors, students take on new challenges, see the world from different perspectives, build lasting relationships, and become self-advocates—they discover their Lion’s roar!

Participating in day trips and overnight excursions, community service, social gatherings, and leadership positions is key to developing students’ capacity to build and maintain rewarding lives. A full-time School Psychologist, School Counselor, and School Nurse further support the social, emotional, mental, and physical well-being of the Westmark community. Additionally, optional after-school programming offers Lower and Middle Schoolers the chance to delve into budding interests and foster friendships with their peers.

Organizing donation drives has been incredibly rewarding. Not only are we making a meaningful impact in our community, but we are also learning the importance of community support and unity towards a common goal. Ethan and Hayden
Class of 2024