You've just received a diagnosis.

First, take a deep breath. Learning that your child has a diagnosed learning difference (LD) can be unnerving to some and a relief to others.

We encourage you to think of it as an incredible gift to understand your child on a deeper level so that you can begin to address their areas of strength and need.

If your child has been diagnosed with a language-based LD:

Continue exploring our website to learn more about our structured and highly individualized approach to educating students with dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, or other language-based LD. Our LD Awareness and Advocacy page may also be of help. Then complete our online inquiry form.


Our Admission team will be in touch to begin a conversation about Westmark as a potential new school for your child. We look forward to connecting with you.

If your child’s diagnosis falls outside our scope of expertise:

There are many ways to find the right school, including:

  • Parent resource boards on Facebook and other social networks
  • Educational and healthcare professionals, e.g., your child’s educational therapist, the neuropsychologist who made the diagnosis
  • The International Dyslexia Association's national list of LD independent schools
  • The HELP Group, serving children, adolescents, and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, learning disabilities, ADHD, developmental delays, abuse, and emotional challenges 
  • CHADD, for parents and children with ADHD
  • If your child was professionally assessed by your school district, the resulting Individualized Education Program (IEP) often includes a recommendation of public schools and/or non-public schools.

Most of all, remember that news of a diagnosis may take time and energy to process. Take care of yourself during this transition and keep in mind that your LD child isn’t incapable of learning; they just need to be taught differently. Their educational path may look different than others’ … and that’s ok.

The poem “Welcome to Holland,” by Emily Perl Kingsley, may be a source of comfort and inspiration as you begin to embrace the uniquely rewarding experience of parenting an LD child.