Expected Schoolwide Learning Results
Westmark School’s curriculum and culture are oriented to the Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) described below. We strive to empower our students as they achieve the outcomes described below and grow to become:
Successful Communicators
- Use oral, written, and creative forms of expression to communicate information, ideas, and emotions.
- Utilize technology to enhance communication.
- Receive and interpret the communication of others in an effective manner.
Self-Directed Learners
- Demonstrate responsibility for self and others.
- Assess needs and learning styles and apply appropriate strategies; utilize these effectively to set and achieve goals.
- Reflect on experiences and apply the knowledge gained to plan for the future.
- Accept responsibility for one’s own behavior and actions.
- Demonstrate ability to complete assignments and projects independently.
Responsible Members of Society
- Contribute time, energy, and talents to improve the quality of life in our school, community, nation, and world.
- Promote mutual respect, appreciation, and acceptance among people of different backgrounds, cultures, and abilities.
Critical Thinkers and Problem Solvers
- Use technology effectively.
- Design, implement, and evaluate appropriate strategies to solve a wide variety of problems.
- Use evaluation, synthesis, and analysis to establish and apply criteria to support judgment.
- Apply complex problem-solving processing and critical thinking to real-life scenarios while cooperating and collaborating with others.